Dealing with Unacceptable Behaviour
1. Introduction
1.1 The DoGenius Institute is committed to creating an environment where all students feel welcomed, respected, and safe. This commitment extends to interactions with The DoGenius Institute, its staff, and its online platforms.
2. What Constitutes Unacceptable Behaviour?
This policy serves to guide students who feel they have been affected by unacceptable behaviour, whether from staff or fellow students. Students in this situation should reach out to Student Services for support and advice.
Unacceptable behaviour includes actions, words, or gestures that could reasonably cause another person distress or discomfort. Such behaviour may occur face-to-face or through various channels, such as written communication, telephone, text messages, emails, or social media. Below are examples, though the list is not exhaustive:
Violence or aggression: Physical violence, threats, or verbal abuse such as shouting or personal insults.
Harassment: Including sexual harassment, racial abuse, or other forms of discrimination.
Malicious behaviour: Spreading harmful rumours or gossip.
Inappropriate physical contact: Including unwelcome touching or groping.
Offensive remarks or gestures: Indecent comments, body language, or displaying offensive material.
Inappropriate use of authority: Making threats or offering incentives for sexual favours.
Bullying: Creating a hostile environment based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, or disability.
Online abuse: Negative, harmful, or abusive statements made through social or other online media.
2.1 If you feel targeted, uncomfortable, or upset by someone’s behaviour, it is crucial to speak up. You are legally protected from discriminatory language or actions based on the protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010, including age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation.
3. Steps to Take If You Experience Unacceptable Behaviour
3.1 Informal Resolution
In many cases, addressing the situation informally may resolve the issue:
Speak directly to the individual involved and explain how their behaviour affects you; they may not realise their actions are inappropriate.
If this is not possible or ineffective, escalate the matter to Student Services for advice or informal mediation.
You can also approach your tutor or any staff member you feel comfortable with for guidance or support.
3.2 Formal Complaint
If informal resolution is not feasible or unsuccessful, you may file a formal complaint by submitting a Student Complaint Form or writing to The DoGenius Institute.
Complaints involving individuals who are not students or staff (e.g., third-party contributors) may fall outside the Institute’s disciplinary processes, but you will be advised of alternative avenues for action.
4. Confidentiality
4.1 Confidentiality Agreement
Requests for confidentiality will be respected wherever possible. However, in cases involving criminal offences or risks to safety, the Institute may be legally obligated to share information.
4.2 Limitations
Maintaining confidentiality may limit the Institute’s ability to fully investigate or resolve your complaint. You will be informed if the complaint requires notifying the individual you are reporting.
5. After Filing a Complaint
5.1 Complaints Against Another Student
The DoGenius Institute’s Secretary will assess whether reasonable steps have been taken to resolve the issue informally. If informal resolution is not possible or the issue is serious, the complaint will proceed under the Student Disciplinary Regulations.
5.2 Complaints Against a Staff Member
Allegations against staff will be reviewed by the Secretary and discussed with the Director. Informal resolution, such as mediation, will be considered first. For serious matters, the case will proceed under the Staff Disciplinary Policy.
A senior member of Student Services will support you throughout the process and keep you informed.
5.3 Constructive Feedback
Reasonable requests or constructive feedback from staff, aimed at improving student performance or behaviour, do not constitute unacceptable behaviour under this policy.
6. Reporting to the Police
6.1 If the incident constitutes a criminal offence, you are encouraged to contact the Police. The Institute can assist you in this process.
6.2 During a police investigation, the Institute may take precautionary measures, such as suspending the alleged perpetrator, to ensure community safety.
6.3 If you choose not to report the incident to the Police, the Institute may still take disciplinary action under its internal policies. However, only the Police can determine whether a criminal offence has occurred.
6.4 In exceptional cases, the Institute may report incidents to the Police without your consent if necessary to protect you or others.
7. Investigations Under the Student Code of Conduct
7.1 Complaints about another student will be handled under the Student Code of Conduct, which outlines expectations for behaviour.
7.2 A thorough investigation will be conducted, including risk assessments to ensure community safety. Precautionary measures, such as suspension, may be taken if deemed necessary.
7.3 Investigations will respect confidentiality and involve minimal information sharing. Witnesses may be contacted as part of the process.
7.4 The Institute cannot compel witnesses or access forensic evidence, which limits its investigative scope compared to Police procedures.
8. Investigations Under the Staff Disciplinary Procedure
8.1 Complaints involving staff members will be promptly investigated under the Staff Disciplinary Policy. A senior investigator will review the case, meet with all relevant parties, and ensure a fair process.
8.2 If the complaint is upheld, the staff member will face disciplinary action in line with the Staff Disciplinary Policy.
8.3 You will be informed of the outcome, but details of the disciplinary measures will remain confidential.
9. Confidentiality and Communication
9.1 The outcomes of investigations and disciplinary actions are confidential. However, measures affecting your wellbeing or safety will be shared with you.
9.2 A Student Services contact will support you throughout the process, explain the outcomes, and connect you with external resources if needed.
10. When the Institute Cannot Take Action
10.1 If there is insufficient evidence, the Institute may be unable to act against the accused party. In such cases, reasonable steps will be taken to prevent further contact between you and the individual.
10.2 The Institute will always respond in line with its Student Complaints Procedure and seek alternative ways to support you where formal action is not possible.