Our qualified & certified trainers, behaviourists & anthrozoologists, will use their skills & techniques to nurture your online learning journey.
Dr. Teresa Tyler PhD, MA, Grad Dip ABM, Dip CBM, IQA, EQA, CET, VN.Dr Teresa Tyler is the Director of The DoGenius Institute and Chair of Programme Recognition Committee at The Animal Behaviour Training Council.
She received her PhD in Anthrozoology in 2021 from the University of Exeter. As an anthrozoologist, animal behaviourist, veterinary nurse and human psychotherapist, she has a keen interest in human/canine interactions.
She is an Ofqual subject matter expert in animal behaviour and welfare.
Teresa has developed the Dogenius Institute to provide opportunities for people wanting to understand, work and share their lives with animals from an animal-centric perspective. The courses encourage the recognition of other animals as ethically significant beings, and that an understanding of these interactions, is a moral imperative. She is based in Cyprus where she also works as a writer, teacher and canine behaviourist CAB (ICB).
Dr. Emily Stone. PhD, MA. BA.
Dr Emily Stone received her PhD in Anthrozoology from the University of Exeter in 2020. Her PhD research was focused on the breeding and exhibiting of pedigree cats in the UK, exploring the ethics, practices and discourses within the activity. With a previous background in feline welfare, Emily is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow whose research interests revolve around the ethics and complexities of human-companion animal relationships, particularly those involving cats. She hopes to expand our understanding of who cats are as a species and as individuals to improve their overall wellbeing, as well as our relationships with them.
Emma-Jane Lee. B.A.(Hons), P.G.C.E. Process Consultancy, IAABC (CSB-D)
Emma-Jane Lee is a teacher, writer, assessment consultant and canine behaviourist based in the UK. She is a trustee in one of France’s largest animal shelters, working on pre-intake, surrenders, in-shelter protocols, bridging contracts and post-adoption support. Her work as a behaviourist is mainly with post-bite referrals and dogs presenting a high level of aggression.
Deb Bennison BSc PGCE PG Award (CAB Edin) CAB (ICB)Deb has been a science and psychology teacher for over three decades. She now works both as a tutor and as a dog behaviourist. She is a full member of International Canine Behaviourists (ICB) and is registered as a Certified Animal Behaviourist with them.
She continues to study Clinical Animal Behaviour at postgraduate level and is fascinated with how emerging science can be used to improve the lives of our companion animals. As an experienced teacher she also understands the importance of helping students to learn in ways that work to their individual strengths and learning styles.
Irene Perrett. MA, Cert Ed., BHS IV SM.
Irene’s involvement with rescue dogs resonates
with her long-held passion to better understand human and more-than-human
relations. She has a background in equine education, contributing to the development
of equine courses and is a Pony Club AH assessor. Irene works with horses and their
guardians to engender an empathetic and educated approach. It was a Romanian
rescue dog who sparked her desire to research and study canines, with
qualifications in teaching, training, bereavement, animal cruelty and
well-being. She gained an Advanced Diploma in Canine Psychology and Behaviour
in 2018, an Anthrozoology MA in 2022 and is currently a PhD student at the
University of Exeter. She has a particular interest in the well-being and
rights of human and non-human animals, and engendering cohesive interspecies
relationships. Irene lives with and fosters Romanian rescue dogs and can often
be found walking with them over Exmoor.

Rebecca Hanlon. Level 3 Dip CBM, Level 4 Ed & TrainingRebecca works as a tutor, course writer, and senior support worker in the mental health sector for 20yrs. She has brought these skills into working with and advocating for dogs.
She runs international workshops, conferences and seminars, for people who want to learn more about dogs, focusing on the dog's perspective.
She also runs an online learning platform for passionate guardians wanting to build better relationships with their dogs.
Good communication, empowerment and the need for advocacy are still her core passions when working with any sentient beings, humans or other.
Sue Lefevre. Grad Dip ABM, IQA, EQA
Sue Lefevre is a certified animal behaviourist based in Kent, UK. She is a former Chair of ICAN: International Companion Animal Network and is a former board member of International Canine Behaviourists (ICB) and was one of the ICB representatives in the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter Group. As a canine behaviourist she works with mostly rescue and reactive dogs.
Sonia is a Certified Canine Behaviourist
with ICB. She also holds a range of training qualifications and is an ACE
Associate Tutor and a City & Guilds Scentwork Instructor. She has many
years of experience training both dogs and their humans; helping to build
strong trusting relationships. In particular, she specialises in dogs who’s
behaviour stems from being overwhelmed by the intensity of their lives. Both
ends of the lead need to work together in these cases, and Sonia has the
expertise to support the challenge of building trust and finding harmony.
Darren Voss. Dip CCBW
Darren Voss has career background in the maritime industry, where he started out as a Marine Engineer, but as his career developed, he found a passion for training and mentoring, enjoying the challenge of delivering learning to a cross discipline of multi-national professionals. He also has a passion for animals in his home life and hopes that he can bring his professional background and skills to help those on their journey in helping improve animals' lives.
Stephanie Costello MSc, BSc
Stephanie received her BSc in Vet Nursing in 2015, before going on to complete a MSc in Sustainable Resource Management. She has worked in dog rescue in Ireland for several years where she continued her education in canine training and behaviour (and picked up 3 rescue cats and 3 rescue dogs along the way). Stephanie believes in a compassionate and consent-based approach to interactions with non-human animals and is motivated to develop this within the animal care sector.
Dr. Andrea Breen. PhD. M.Ed., B.Ed.
Dr. Andrea Breen is Associate Professor of Family Relations and Human Development, and co-founder of the new FIDO (Families Interacting with Dogs) research group at the University of Guelph. She has a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology and Education (Toronto), an Ed.M in Risk and Prevention (Harvard), and a B.Ed. in Secondary Education (McGill). She is also an ISCP accredited dog trainer. She lives in Toronto with her partner, 2 children and 2 dogs.
Dr. Frances McCormack, PhD, MA, MA, BATheol (Hons), Dip, Dip.
Dr Frances McCormack, is an English lecturer living in the West of Ireland. She has an MA and PhD in medieval English literature, and an MA in Academic Practice. She is a multi-award winning teacher. She has a particular interest in the rehabilitation of rescue dogs, especially those from hoarding situations and barren environments, and she volunteers with an Irish dog rescue. She lives with her partner, five cats, and an adolescent Border Collie.
Kerry Herbert, MA, BSc(Hons), PGCE.
Kerry is an Anthrozoologist, greyhound advocate and sighthound specialist whose work sits within the context of scholarly activism. Her work predominantly focuses on helping former racing greyhounds to navigate new lives as companions and calling for new narratives around the care of some of these traumatised individuals. Kerry’s scholarly work is informed by her frontline experiences of living with, caring about and advocating for this vulnerable population of dogs.
Robyn Jones, RVN
My name is Robyn Jones and I qualified as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2017, I have competed post graduate certificates in nursing of Exotic and Wildlife species and have also recently completed a post graduate certificate in Nursing Surgical Patients. I work in a small animal practice in Wales as a full time nurse and Clinical Coach training student veterinary nurses during their placement.
I also have a keen interest in Canine behaviour and compete in multiple dog sports with my 11 dogs.