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Level 6 Module 7
Common Behavioural Problems

In this module, you will be exploring a range of commonly reported problem behaviours. You will also look at ways to use operant counterconditioning and manding to help dogs cope emotionally. Finally, you will explore ways in which you can help guardians rebuild trust with a dog following breakdown, focusing on the central role that trust plays and exploring ways that this can be rebuilt.
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  • Membership to Professional Bodies.
  • Monthly 1-2-1's with your Tutor.
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  • Enriched Learning.
  • Responsive & Timely Support.
  • Study on your Schedule.
  • Entry to our Private Community.
  • Generous Study Time (with extensions available)

What's Covered?

This module explores prevalent behavioural issues in dogs, such as aggression, separation anxiety, excessive barking, and destructive behaviours. Students will examine the underlying psychological and environmental factors contributing to these problems. Through a combination of theoretical frameworks and practical case studies, the module provides evidence-based strategies for assessment, intervention, and management, equipping students with the skills to implement effective behaviour modification techniques.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Deb Bennison

Deb Bennison BSc PGCE PG Award (CAB Edin) CAB (ICB)

Deb has been a science and psychology teacher for over three decades. She now works both as a tutor and as a dog behaviourist. She is a full member of International Canine Behaviourists (ICB) and is registered as a Certified Animal Behaviourist with them.

She continues to study Clinical Animal Behaviour at postgraduate level and is fascinated with how emerging science can be used to improve the lives of our companion animals. As an experienced teacher she also understands the importance of helping students to learn in ways that work to their individual strengths and learning styles. 

Patrick Jones - Course author
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